Improve your Website
Many websites were excellent and clear. A lot were not! Some (quite a percentage) simply did not exist. Others had e-mail addresses that were very difficult to find on the site or the e-mail simply 'bounced back'.
I know people will say that the main purpose is to inform their own members of results and news but surely we are trying to attract new members via the website.
It can be a time-consuming (though absorbing) task to maintain a site and I'm sure that I'm setting myself up for criticism about my own sites but I would welcome feedback.
If you think your site is a good example of what we should aspire to, let me know and I'll place a link to it on here.
Response from Leigh Harding
Have just found your blog via Playbridgeuk site. It's full of interstingstuff and I might have some contributions on a couple of the topics when I'mmore awake. Meanwhile... in response to the 'Improve Your Website'article I'd like to put forward my club websites as good examples (aftersome considerable trial and error developing them)!
You might also like to have a look at gained the experience I am currently offering to create free websitesfor bridge teachers and would be happy to extend this to anyone who wants awebsite for a NOVICE bridge club.See I'll put a link to your site on the club websites as I'm sure the memberswill find it interesting.
Leigh HardingBridge Teacher